
New Zealand Job Check

Job Check

Once employer accreditation is approved, the next step is to apply for Job Check. The purpose of the job checks is to ensure there are no New Zealanders available for the job.

If your job checks are approved after that a migrant worker can apply for an AEWV. An approved job check is valid for 6 months or until you no longer hold accreditation, whichever is earlier. INZ fee for applying for job check is $610.

Are you an employer looking to hire migrant workers in New Zealand? The first step is to check if your company is eligible for accreditation under the New Zealand Job Check Accreditation program. Once accredited, employers can hire migrant workers through the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) program, which provides a streamlined visa application process for both the employer and the employee.

At Zealand Immigration, we can help guide you through the New Zealand Job Check Accreditation process, ensuring that you meet all the eligibility requirements and helping you prepare for the assessment. Our experienced team of immigration consultants has a deep understanding of the New Zealand immigration system and can provide you with expert advice and support at every stage of the process.

Don't let the accreditation process hold you back from hiring the best talent for your business. Contact us today to learn more about the New Zealand Job Check Accreditation program and how we can help you achieve accreditation.

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